Bought this on a whim because I saw a neat youtube video which described how to set this up via Tasmota. I then fell down the rabbit hole and installed home assistant on a virtual machine at home. With this power switch I was able to automate my entertainment center to turn on a dumb device when certain conditions were met with my logitech harmony remote. This is exactly what I needed, just know that the learning curve is kind of high for this type of stuff.
Rated 5 out of 5
byron moore (verified owner)–
bought 2 to try them out – now have 8 and buying more
Reduced my regular power consumption significantly from these
Saw my landscape lights using 180w with this – swapped them to LED T5’s and now they draw 35-40w total
awesome product & love Tasmota
Rated 5 out of 5
Josh –
Ordered two of these plugs and they both worked great. It was very easy to set them up with Tasmota and connect to that my home assistant server. I will recommend CloudFree to everyone!
Rated 5 out of 5
Dianne Skoll (verified owner)–
I bought the ESPHome version. I wanted to control the plug with simple REST calls with no Home Assistant involvement. The ESPHome docs are not great, but I had it figured out within 20 minutes. Tweaked the config so it wouldn’t reboot every 15 minutes because of no Home Assistant and it’s working fine. Simple and cloud-free.
Peter (verified owner) –
Bought this on a whim because I saw a neat youtube video which described how to set this up via Tasmota. I then fell down the rabbit hole and installed home assistant on a virtual machine at home. With this power switch I was able to automate my entertainment center to turn on a dumb device when certain conditions were met with my logitech harmony remote. This is exactly what I needed, just know that the learning curve is kind of high for this type of stuff.
byron moore (verified owner) –
bought 2 to try them out – now have 8 and buying more
Reduced my regular power consumption significantly from these
Saw my landscape lights using 180w with this – swapped them to LED T5’s and now they draw 35-40w total
awesome product & love Tasmota
Josh –
Ordered two of these plugs and they both worked great. It was very easy to set them up with Tasmota and connect to that my home assistant server. I will recommend CloudFree to everyone!
Dianne Skoll (verified owner) –
I bought the ESPHome version. I wanted to control the plug with simple REST calls with no Home Assistant involvement. The ESPHome docs are not great, but I had it figured out within 20 minutes. Tweaked the config so it wouldn’t reboot every 15 minutes because of no Home Assistant and it’s working fine. Simple and cloud-free.